Как бороться с пожелтением каменного стола в ванной?

В современном декоре дома, особенно новое поколение молодежи после 80-х и после 90-х, им особенно нравится оформление серии светлых тонов. Большинство ванных комнат также выполнено из светлого камня.. Вы обнаружите это спустя долгое время, будет явление пожелтения, и блеск не будет сильным. So how do you want to restore it to its original state?
First of all, special stone pigment cleaner can be used as follows:
01 Clean the stains on the stone surface, and then spray the pigment detergent on the yellowing table top. (The marble stone needs to be diluted with water at the ratio of 1:10-1:20, while the granite, bluestone, ceramic tile, и т. д.. do not need to be diluted), apply the paper towel and then cover a layer of fresh-keeping film.
02 Leave it for 1-24 hours and brush it with a brush.
03 Окончательно, rinse it with clean water. If there is any residue, repeat the above steps.

Secondly, the following points should be noted about the protection of bathroom stone:
1 Apply protective agent
The bathroom is in a humid environment for a long time. Applying protective agent to the surface can prevent liquid water from entering the interior of the stone and avoid problems such as mildew, blackening and yellowing of the stone. When applying protective agent, the residual drying of the liquid on the stone surface should be avoided, and the protective surface should be cleaned within 2 к 5 minutes. Try to avoid contact with skin with protective fluid. It is better to dry for 24 hours after protection, and then the bathroom can be used.
2 Clean the stone surface
Because the water droplets left on the wall after the shower will leave watermarks and deposits on the stone, you can wipe the bathroom wall with a dry towel or rubber roller after use, and you can use neutral stone detergent to clean the bathroom stone.
3 Surface polishing
If the luster of the bathroom table becomes dim after a period of use, the stone can be polished. There are many brands of marble polishing agents on the market. Be careful not to use products that may damage the surface gloss of stone.