Quantas categorias o quartzo tem
Existem várias classificações diferentes de quartzo com base em vários critérios. Aqui estão alguns tipos comuns de classificações de quartzo:
Baseado na cor: O quartzo pode ser classificado por cor, com variedades populares, incluindo quartzo rosa (rosa), quartzo fumê (marrom), ametista (roxo), citrino (amarelo), e quartzo leitoso (branco).
Baseado na estrutura cristalina: Quartz can be classified by its crystal structure, with variations such as trigonal, hexagonal, and prismatic.
Based on mineral inclusions: Quartz can contain inclusions of other minerals, such as rutile, tourmaline, or mica, which can give it unique patterns or colors.
Based on geographic origin: Quartz can be classified by its geographic origin, such as Brazilian quartz or African quartz.
Based on production process: Quartz can be classified by the production process used to create engineered quartz, such as Bretonstone or Vibrocompression Vacuum process.
Based on market or brand: Quartz can also be classified by the brand or market segment, such as luxury quartz brands or affordable options.
Geral, there are many ways to classify quartz, with each method highlighting different characteristics of the mineral.