석재 복원에는 어떤 재료와 방법이 사용됩니까??

석재 복원에는 다양한 재료와 방법이 사용됩니다..


석재 필러 또는 퍼티: 돌의 틈이나 균열을 메우는 데 사용됩니다.. 다양한 색상과 일관성으로 제공됩니다., and are chosen based on the type of stone being repaired.
Stone adhesives: These are used to bond broken or separated pieces of stone back together.
Stone sealers: These protect the stone from stains and weathering by forming a barrier over the surface.
Stone polishes: These are used to restore the shine and luster of the stone surface.

Cleaning: The first step in stone restoration is usually cleaning the surface of the stone to remove dirt, stains, and debris.
Grinding and honing: These are techniques used to remove scratches and stains from the stone surface, and to create a smooth, uniform finish.
Patching and filling: Cracks, 작은 조각, and holes in the stone can be filled using stone fillers or putties.
Replication: If a piece of stone is missing, a replica can be created using molds and casting techniques.
Consolidation: This involves strengthening the stone by injecting a consolidant material into it.
Surface protection: After the restoration process, a sealer can be applied to protect the stone from future damage.