Granite G654/ Sesame black granite is one of our best selling and polular grey granite for outdoor pavers in our domestic and overseas market.
Due to its steady texture and good price, it gets pretty popular being used for roadside kerbstones/palisades and outdoor pavers.
この花崗岩には, また、品質管理と価格の面でも大きな利点があります.
As per customer request, it can be produced into big slabs, 小さなスラブ, 通常のカット・トゥ・サイズ, タイル, 列, 縁石, カウンタートップ, 階段, ステップ, プール対処, テーブルトップ, キューブ, 異なる仕上げで, 磨かれたような, 炎上した, サンドブラスト, 起毛, ブッシュハンマー, パイナップル, 革張り, 製材.
Granite G654/Sesame Black is a popular natural stone used in a variety of applications, including outdoor paving and flooring. Its rich black color with white and grey flecks adds a touch of elegance to any landscape or architectural design. Our G654/Sesame Black pavers/tiles are available in various sizes and thicknesses to fit your project’s requirements, whether you’re paving a large outdoor space or installing a durable and long-lasting flooring solution. With its high resistance to weather and wear, G654/Sesame Black is an ideal choice for high traffic areas such as driveways, 歩道, and commercial spaces.