天然大理石と人工大理石を区別するのは難しい場合があります (養殖大理石または合成大理石とも呼ばれます) とても似ているように見える可能性があるので. しかし, それらを区別するいくつかの方法があります:
外観: 天然大理石には、天然鉱物によって形成された独特の縞模様があります。, while engineered marble has a more uniform appearance with a consistent pattern. If you look closely, you can often see the repeating pattern in engineered marble.
テクスチャ: Natural marble has a natural, porous texture, while engineered marble has a smoother texture with a consistent surface.
Weight: Natural marble is heavier than engineered marble due to its density.
Water absorption: Natural marble is porous and can absorb water, while engineered marble is non-porous and will not absorb water.
メンテナンス: Natural marble requires periodic sealing to protect against staining and etching, while engineered marble is non-porous and does not require sealing.
By examining the appearance, texture, weight, water absorption, and maintenance requirements, you can often differentiate between natural marble and engineered marble.