Quali sono le origini principali di Luxury Stone

Le pietre di lusso provengono da varie località in tutto il mondo, e i principali paesi e regioni produttori includono:

Italia: L'Italia è un rinomato produttore di pietre di lusso, in particolare marmo. marmo italiano, come Carrara e Calacatta, è molto apprezzato per la sua bellezza e qualità.

Brasile: Brazil is a major producer of granite and is known for its unique and colorful varieties, such as Blue Bahia and Golden Crystal.

India: India is a significant producer of natural stones, including marble, granito, and sandstone. Rajasthan is a particularly important region for stone production.

Turkey: Turkey is known for its travertine, a type of limestone with a unique porous texture. The country also produces marble and granite.

Cina: China is a large producer of natural stones, including marble, granito, and slate. The country is known for its competitive pricing and wide range of stone varieties.

Other producing countries and regions include Spain, Portugal, Greece, Egypt, and the United States. The availability and quality of luxury stones can vary depending on the location and type of stone, and some stones may only be available in limited quantities from specific regions.