Cómo limpiar un escritorio de mármol?
Para limpiar una mesa de mármol, sigue estos pasos:

Limpie la superficie con un paño suave, Paño húmedo para eliminar la suciedad o el polvo de la superficie..
Mezcle una pequeña cantidad de limpiador de pH neutro con agua tibia en un balde..
Sumerja un suave, clean cloth into the cleaning solution and wring it out well.
Gently wipe the cloth over the marble surface, taking care not to scrub too hard.
Rinse the cloth frequently in the cleaning solution and wring it out well to avoid spreading dirt.
Once the surface is clean, use a dry, soft cloth to buff the marble and remove any remaining moisture.
If there are any stubborn stains, mix a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the stained area. Let the paste sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth.
Evite el uso de limpiadores ácidos o abrasivos., as they can damage the marble surface.
By following these steps and avoiding harsh chemicals, you can keep your marble tabletop looking clean and beautiful for years to come.